Friday, November 23, 2007

Orioles, Kinglet and Hummer on Birdcam!

Every winter we get a whole flock of Baltimore Orioles visiting our yard. They really love to eat Grape Jelly from our oriole feeders. Here is a video that we made from clips taken by our new favorite toy...the Birdcam!

We also have a female hummingbird, probably a Ruby-throated, visiting our hummer feeder in the backyard. Fred Bassett is visiting town soon so hopefully he will catch her. We have had at least one winter hummingbird in our yard, for each of the last few winters.

The Birdcam has really been enjoyable for us both, as it records what birds visit our yard while we are at work. The first thing we do know when we get home is to see what visitors it has taken video and/or photographs of.

Mary & Susan

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