Monday, August 17, 2009

A visit to St Marks National Wildlife Refuge on Friday, August 14th.

This Gray Kingbird was a life bird for Susan and myself. We were happy to get a fairly decent picture of it. We were using a Nikon Coolpix L100.

Tern, Tern, Tern...Royal Terns and Skimmers. This is a digiscope picture I took with my new Swarovski scope. We were at the lighthouse tower and these birds were far out on the sand beds.

Caspian Tern...This was also digiscoped with the Swarovski Scope and a Nikon 8400 Camera.

Not too great a picture, but worth sharing because this oprey had a huge fish... I think almost as long as he was.

Susan took this picture of Mary. Susan was using that new Coolpix she bought. You can also see the sheer beauty of St Marks NWR. It's my favorite place on earth!

The lighthouse at St Marks.

On our way out of the Refuge we noticed this alligator. We actually haven't seen too many of them there lately. We used to see so many more. Where are they?

At the end of the day, when we leave the refuge, I always say I would like to see a bobcat, a Florida panther, a black bear, and deer. We saw the deer as we were leaving. One down and three to go. In the past we have seen a bobcat and a black bear...I wouldn't mind the panther to add to that list!

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