Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Bald Eagles in Alaska

Barney Stallworth took a trip to Alaska recently and captured this selection of great eagle pictures with his trusty camera.

Birding trip to Maine

While in Maine last month for a family reunion, we had a chance to bird several locations. We saw three new birds: Common Eider on a Lighthouse Cruise in Casco Bay, Boreal Chickadee at Grafton Notch State Park, and Black-throated Green Warbler at Popham Beach State Park. Unfortunately, the warbler was a female and not the brightly colored male.

Carol Miller

Common Eider

Black-throated Green Warbler

Boreal Chickadee

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sending Pictures

Osprey at St Marks NWR

A lot of you have been trying to send us pictures so I can post them on the blog. We love to see your pictures and read your stories. However could you please send them to the blog email address rather than the store email address. I don't have access to the latter.

The email address for the blog is

replace AT with the @ symbol. The reason I do this is to prevent us from being overrun with spam emails.

If you have identification questions please send them to me at the above address also.

We look forward to receiving many more pictures and stories from y'all.

Happy birding


Sylvia's Pictures

Swallow-tailed Kite

Great Crested Flycatcher

Great Blue Heron food!

Great Blue Heron eating a rat!

Black-crowned Night heron

The photo of the black crown night heron was taken on a river cruise out of Wakulla Springs.

The photo of the cotton rat and the great blue heron are just examples of how some of us are fated to meet.

The photo of the flycatcher was taken at St. Marks NWR in April, 2008.

The photo of the Swallow-tailed kite was taken on Rt. 98 just west of the Wakulla River. It was a lot of fun driving down route 98 following the kites.

Sylvia Cohen

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Roseate Spoonbills

3 were feeding on lighthouse pond and the other 3 were on headquarters pond

Red-shouldered Hawk

Lynn Amwake sent us this picture of an adult Red-shouldered Hawk perched on her hummingbird feeder pole!